ψέματα Technologies

Our Products

We offer top of the market, our products include top notch gaming mice, keyboards, and your personal companion “ prototype 667”. Prototype 667 can act as your friend, pet, and even family! It is authentic and is capable of singing, dancing, holding conversations, and even babysitting! If anything goes wrong with Prototype 667, be sure to use the implemented shock mechanism to fix him


Our top of the market keyboards are made out of the most pristine materials available. They have interchangeable keys and have a crisp click with every button!



Our mice are just as good as our keyboards! Made of top of the market materials, come with 7 customizable side buttons, and they even come with a number pad of the other side!


Prototype 667

Prototype 667 is our top of the market ^̷à̵̷¢̶®̵ª̵†̷l̸x̷Q̶Ÿ̵U̵Ó̵̶ ̸í̵i̴Ş̶t̵Š̸›̷ž̸ö̸S̵Ž̴å̵œ̴ ̵M̴Z̷³̶"̶Ó̷­̶ ̸^̷e̵Ï̶\̷]̸ô̷\̶}̷Ó̷!̴ş̸ä̶N̸ ̷¥̵,̷³̶$̷ ̶\̵[̷­̷Ò̴̴¾̶“̵Ğ̴Ô̴Ê̴„̶Ó̷Ş̷³̴­̷X̴ü̴²̶×̶n̴è̵̸v̸R̷ï̷§̶¯̶¼̶[̵ ̴“̸̴A̷™̴̶:̶6̶Š̶–̴M̴^̵à̷g̷¾̸é̵¹̵ó̸@̶¾̷g̵s̷̵ë̵š̸̶Ê̵R̶E̷(̶¼̷*̷2̷Š̵Ü̴̸…̴ ̸̵¯̶Ä̶õ̵̷^̶Ž̵a̴@̷N̴å̴ ̵R̴ ̷‘̷b̵ ̴ƒ̷n̷í̴̴`̸0̵ã̷¼̷S̸Š̷̶î̶-̴Ú̴g̴4̵n̷,̶6̶Š̶–̴M̴
